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Brown Environmental Consulting offers environmental training through Seagull Environmental Training at our office located in Arlington, Tennessee. Classes are provided via EPA accredited training providers with a BEC instructor. The following classes are offered:


  • Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) - Initial and Refresher. Please visit the Zack Academy Course Schedule website to register. 


  • Asbestos Supervisor and Asbestos Worker - Initial and Refresher. Class schedule can be found below. The Asbestos registration form can be found here.


  • For Asbestos Awareness and Asbestos O&M courses, please contact us to make arrangements.

*Please note that Asbestos classes are tentative. We reserve the right to cancel any class due to lack of attendance.


BEC classes are currently offered in English only. Please visit the Seagull (Zack Academy) website for other language options.


All class attendees must bring valid photo identification in order to participate in classes. 


All class Asbestos Refresher attendees must provide previous training certificate with registration form.

Our Asbestos Course Schedule is below. 

To register for an Asbestos course, please use the registration form.


Asbestos classes are canceled approximately 1 week prior to the start of class.

Registrations must be received at least 1 week in advance of class start date.

Training certificates are provided only after completion of the course and after you have passed your examination.


Seagull certificates are typically given at the end of class. However, certificates may not be processed by Seagull until the next business day. In those cases, the certificate can be picked up from our training office in Arlington or we can mail them to the address you provided at registration.


Brown Environmental does not have the ability to issue or make changes to any certificates. You must contact Seagull Environmental Training at (800) 966-9933 if you have any issues regarding your certificate. 


PO BOX 1034



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